Monthly Membership Meeting & Lecture: “Florida’s Forgotten Wading Bird: American Flamingo” with Frank Ridgley, DMV, Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarian in Zoo Miami’s Conservation and Research Department
Tuesday, Feb 7, 7pm
UPDATE: Video of the presentation
Join us for an opportunity to learn more about the resurgence of Florida’s American Flamingo.
- Frank and Flamingos
- Frank and Conchy
- Frank Ridgley, DVM
Dr. Frank Ridgley’s childhood was divided between rural Indiana and southeastern coastal Georgia. He received his B.S. in Animal Science and his D.V.M. from Purdue University. After graduation from medical school in 2001, he moved to New York and spent a brief time in private practice in Orchard Park before becoming the Senior Veterinarian at the Buffalo Zoo. While in Buffalo, Dr. Ridgley also taught at Canisius College, served on several boards for veterinary medicine and wildlife organizations, and was an adjunct faculty member for the residency program in laboratory animal medicine at SUNY at Buffalo. In 2007, Dr. Ridgley accepted a position at Zoo Miami as an Associate Veterinarian in the animal clinic. In 2011, Dr. Ridgley shifted his focus from clinical medicine to field conservation and research efforts and became the Director of Conservation and Research at Zoo Miami. He is currently a graduate faculty member at Florida International University, the Chair of the Zoo Miami Animal Care and Use Committee, and the Chair of the Zoo Miami Conservation Committee. He serves on the Steering Committee of the Everglades Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area, on the Steering Committee of the Florida Imperiled Butterfly Working Group, on the Conservation Committee of the Florida Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and as a member of the Florida Bonneted Bat Working Group.
Also at the meeting, our expert Clive Pinnock will tell us more about the February Bird of the Month: Brown Pelican.
Doors open at 6:30 pm for light refreshments in rooms 101 and 102 at FAU Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, 6301 Summit Blvd (near Jog Road) in West Palm Beach. The meeting is free and open to the public.
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