Monthly Membership Meeting & Lecture: “Fall Migration through the Keys,” by Rafael A. Galvez, Director of the Florida Keys Hawkwatch
Tuesday, Oct 4, 7pm
- Florida HawkWatch
- Pergrine Falcon at Sunderland
- Rafael Galvez Florida Keys HawkWatch
- Rafael Galvez Red Shouldered Hawks
Be sure to attend the October 4 meeting to hear Rafael Galvez talk about the program which monitors migrating species at Curry Hammock State Park and Long Key State Park in the Keys.
Rafael Galvez directs bird surveys and community outreach for the Florida Keys Hawkwatch (FKH), the southernmost migration monitoring project in the continental U.S. As part of this effort, tens of thousands of birds are counted each fall and their movements tracked as they prepare to cross the Florida Straits and the Gulf of Mexico into the Caribbean – a region with a low density of monitoring sites. Rafael will share highlights from the project’s 19-season history.
Rafael lives in Homestead and spends much time in the Everglades. He travels widely as a guide for Victor Emanuel Nature Tours and the Leica birding team. When he is not outdoors, he is in the studio working on several bird illustration projects. Learn more about the Hawkwatch at and see Rafael’s field sketches at
Also at the meeting, our expert Clive Pinnock will tell us more about the October Bird of the Month: Spotted Sandpiper.
Doors open at 6:30 pm for light refreshments in rooms 101 and 102 at FAU Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, 6301 Summit Blvd (near Jog Road) in West Palm Beach. Meeting is free and open to the public.
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