
Great Blue Heron and chicks (c) 2018 Anne DuPont all rights reserved.

May’s Bird of the Month is the Great Blue Heron, and here is the article in the upcoming May 2018 Kite written by Clive and Celecia Pinnock.

May Bird of the Month – Great Blue Heron

By Clive & Celecia Pinnock

The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) is the largest and the most widely distributed of the North American herons. It is recognized by its long brownish green legs, a sinuous neck (which is held in an “S” shape in flight), and a thick yellow dagger-like bill. Its sometimes shaggy appearance is due to its head, chest and wing plumes. The sexes are similar with bluish-gray backs and wings, scapular plumes, black shoulder patches, and blackish tails. There is also a white morph (the Great White Heron) found in southern Florida, which is slightly larger and entirely white.

Great Blue Herons are found in saltwater and freshwater habitats, from open coasts, marshes, sloughs, riverbanks, and lakes to backyard goldfish ponds. They may also be found foraging in grasslands and agricultural fields. They eat almost anything within striking range, including fish, amphibians (frogs and salamanders), reptiles (turtles and small snakes), small mammals (rodents), insects and other birds. They grab small prey in their strong beaks or use their dagger-like bills to impale large fish, often shaking them to break or relax sharp spines before swallowing the fish whole.

Their hunting strategies include standing still or walking slowly in shallow water, waiting for fish to swim nearby, at which point they strike with a rapid thrust of their bill. Other strategies include foraging on shore, from floating objects and in grasslands. They may also hunt by day or night.
They nest mainly in trees but will also nest on the ground, on bushes, in mangroves, and on man-made structures such as duck blinds, channel markers or artificial nest platforms.

Photographers – please note that next month’s June bird of the month is the DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT.

Please check out the picture by Ann DuPont in the May KITE cover and to see the slide show of the entire virtual gallery this month, along with photographer etc  — click on BOM SLIDE SHOW below the pictures displayed here:

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BOM SLIDE SHOW – May 2018 Bird of the Month – Great Blue Heron


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