You can always find our position statements under the “Conservation” tab at the top of the page:
ASE Position on Wind Turbines in the EAA
Audubon Society of the Everglades supports and promotes the conservation of wildlife and the natural environment. ASE opposes Wind Turbines in the Everglades Agricultural Areas (EAA). The EAA is a major migratory pathway, not only for the endangered and migratory birds, but also the tens of thousands of birds and bats that live in that area. The placement of Wind Turbines in the EAA will have a negative impact on our bird populations.
ASE Position on Rock Mining
Audubon Society of the Everglades supports and promotes the conservation of wildlife and the natural environment. ASE opposes further approval of permits for additional rock mining in the Everglades Agricultural Area and the conversion of land from agricultural production, as stated in the “1989 Comprehensive Land Use Plan”. Rock Mining removes the rock layer that protects the aquifer (water supply). Another problem aside from surface water pollution in the rock mines is the water in and of itself has a very high sodium (salt water) concentration that would be in violation of EPA standards for human consumption. There is no demonstrated need for further conversion of land FROM agriculture, to rock mining in the foreseeable future.
ASE Position on John D. MacArthur State Park
Audubon Society of the Everglades supports and promotes the conservation of wildlife and the natural environment. ASE opposes the intrusion of any commercialization into the Florida State Park System. John D. MacArthur State Park was given to Floridians for preservation of a rare ecosystem and is designated “conservation lands” by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory. ASE opposes intrusion of any commercialization at John D. MacArthur State Park.
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